Banks Extended Day Program
Contact: Mrs Laura Ellis

Extended Day is a program offered after regular school hours from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Extended Day children receive a snack if they choose to eat (a food and a milk and/or juice). If your child has a milk allergy, please send a note from the Doctor so we can provide juice for your child. Once snack is eaten, children may work on their homework and play/have peer interaction time. On nice weather days, the students may go outside.
Cost: $5.00 per day per child, or $25.00 a week
Time: 3:30-5:30 pm
****Children must be picked up by 5:30 pm. There is a charge of $1.00 for every minute after 5:30. After three late pick ups, students will be removed from the Extended Day Program.
****Extended day fees must be paid on a weekly basis.
****There is a return check fee of $32.
Extended Day is located in the Banks Primary School.